"I can't leave my house without people gathering alongside the road to watch me go by," said the tower. "Why do they want to watch everything I do?"
The longtime employee of Williams Energy said that ever since she began her 3-day journey to work, reporters from WTOV-9 and News 7 have been following her every move.
"It's like they don't care about my feelings," she said. "I know I close roads wherever I go because I'm so fat, but let's just let the whole Ohio Valley know about it why don't we?"

The tower said that she has learned her lesson and will try out different means of transportation in the future.
"I'm sick of all the name calling," the de-ethanizer tower said. "And I'm sick of people hatin' on me for just doing my thing. The de-propanizer tower at the processing plant showed me a different way to get to get to work."
The tower added that she will be selling her trailer and will begin using public transit instead.
"I think that if I get on the bus, I can blend in with the other people and nobody will notice me," she said.