Tuesday, April 1, 2014

UFOs Spotted in Steubenville, Mayor Says People Are "Just Seeing Things"

STEUBENVILLE - The Steubenville Police Department released a statement to reporters that is has been flooded with frantic callers around town claiming to see spaceships in the skies. Stewart Dawes of Follansbee sent the image to the right to several media outlets. He claims that the odd figure in the center of the picture is possibly a UFO. Steubenville mayor Domenick Mucci told reporters that people shouldn't give in to sensationalism.

"That's a load of horse sh*t," said Mucci. "The weather service releases weather balloons on the top of the hill and people are always mistaking them for UFOs. It could just be clouds too. Sometimes the sun just shines through the clouds a little differently. The media likes to jump on it for ratings. If you believe this crap, then you're a f**king retard."

The image sent by Dawes was not the only one making rounds on social media. An anonymous reader sent this picture (left) to OVN, claiming that it shows a green alien waving at people in front of Harding Middle School. Some people around town remain skeptical.

"People will believe absolutely anything," said Mankar Camoran, a Steubenville native and author of The Mysterium Xarxes. "That could be anything from a cat, to a rat or a toad. It could also be pareidolia. We shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Camoran points out that another image (right), taken from a slightly different angle, clearly shows that the figure, while still resembling an alien spaceship, is completely different.

"Now when you look at it, it looks like there are much more lights on it," he said. "It's slightly smaller, it's a different color, there are antennae on the top, a 2013 model Zxxstania Industries communications relay and a Jyrstikanium Warp Drive. The last picture didn't show any of that. It's clearly fake."

Mucci took to Twitter to express his disdain for the UFO rumors.