Sunday, February 8, 2015

Local Man Won't Even Buy Groceries Until He's Checked Doan Ford

STEUBENVILLE - Family members of Don Larson (pictured right) are voicing their concerns over the 42-year-old's obsession with Doan Ford.

"It's getting out of hand," said his wife, Michelle Larson. "I asked him the other day to pick up some milk from Krogers. It's right down the road but he was gone for two hours!"

When his wife questioned him, Don admitted that he made the 45-minute drive to Belmont.

"He told me that he wasn't buying until he checked Doan Ford," Ms. Larson said. "It's getting out of hand, he does this all the time."

Larson's 16-year-old son, Kevin, said that it gets embarrassing to shop with his father in public.

"Dad took me out to buy a new Playstation game the other day," said Kevin. "When we went up to the counter at Game Stop he started rambling about how disappointed he was with Doan Ford's selection."

Doan Ford general manager Steve Mercer told reporters that the salespeople have accepted the fact that Larson will never go away.

"We were stern with him at first," Mercer said. "But he just kept coming back, asking for something new every day. One day he's looking for dish soap and the next day he wants our opinion on garden hoses."

Mercer said that dealing with Larson has become routine.

"We tell him the same thing every day," he said. "'We're sorry sir, but we're a car dealership, we don't sell assault rifles and liquor.' He drives a long way to get here, but he just smiles, thanks us and leaves."