Monday, November 10, 2014

Negative Colors Reveal Domenick Mucci in Background of Clinton Family Portrait

STEUBENVILLE - Researchers at Eastern Gateway Community College announced earlier today that they have discovered the likeness of Steubenville mayor Domenick Mucci in the background of the famous portrait of the Clinton family. Professor Sun Yat-sen, of the graphic design department, said that his students discovered the hidden picture during an in-class assignment.

"We were working with negative colors and one of the students chose the Clinton family for his project," Sun said. "He inverted the colors and there you have it. Mayor Mucci creeping in the back behind Hillary."

Mucci declined to comment on the discovery, leaving the door open for conspiracy theorists across the Valley.

"Could it be?" asked Wintersville resident Don Cayote. "I think this means that our mayor is secretly a Clinton himself!"

Others in the Valley disagree, claiming that the picture means that Mucci has more power than most people realize.

"It's obviously symbolic," said Steubenville resident Nick Carraway. "It means that Mucci is watching over the Clintons, secretly controlling the government. Who knows what other political families he's watching?"

Science fiction writer Alex Jones posted on his blog that he has more information, posting that Mucci's real name is Æçãzaøn, and that he plans to release more on his children's show, InfoWars.

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