ST. CLAIRSVILLE - Gordon Hewitt and his wife Lynda sure were surprised when they heard their son David say that he would like to give up his birthday presents, especially because the presents were for his very first birthday.
"I was shocked," said Gordon. "But then again he always has been the most caring little guy I've ever known."
David told his parents that he would like to give the presents to the American Red Cross and donate his birthday money to the Martins Ferry Presbyterian Church.
"I was a little sad to see him get rid of the new baseball and glove we got him," the boy's father said. "We were gonna go outside today and toss the ball around but I guess that will have to wait until next year."
His mother Lynda was still crying hysterically from being proud when we arrived for an interview, so we weren't able to get any decipherable statements from her. The family's relatives told us that they were a little skeptical of the claims made the Hewitts.
"I haven't even heard the kid talk yet," said Poderick Payne, the boy's grandfather. "I bought him a sawed-off shotgun so I could teach him how to hunt, not so he could give it away to some stupid dirtball kid."
The boy received an honorary citizens award from the St. Clairsville city council, but the boy gave that away to helpless children who didn't have the means to help other children.