Authorities in Bellaire say that Misty Rivero may have just saved an elementary school from tragedy. Rivero says that when she was dropping off her daughter, she noticed a Muslim man walking down the street. Rivero quickly called police and the man was arrested.
The Boy Scouts of America hosted their annual Pinewood Derby at the Fort Steuben Mall last Saturday. 9 time winner Eagle Scout Dennis Douglas is now under investigation for using performance enhancing drugs.
A homicide investigation has been opened in Tuscarawas County after police found a man's body in Conotton Creek. No hard evidence has been recovered yet but police did bring in a 25 pound carp for questioning.
Wheeling Jesuit University hosted their annual prom dress re-sale event last week. As usual, none of the dresses sold due to the dresses being "so last season."
Jefferson County commissioners voted this week to buy the downtown Steubenville Towers Building. The purchase was made on ebay for $750,000 plus $36 million for shipping and handling.
Thomas Gyorko of Glen Dale is behind bars after he got into a fight with a woman over her cell phone. Police say that Gyorko used the phone's battery to bludgeon the woman over the head. Gyorko is being charged with 'assault with a battery'.
Volunteers in Wheeling organized an event to give out free portraits in Wheeling to 'Share the Love'. Kindergartners from Wheeling Central captured moments for families who could not afford prints.
Firefighters in St. Clairsville responded to a distress call on Bret Mar Lane on Monday. Authorities say that the firefighters bravely rescued a cat from a 45 feet tall pine tree.
A Belmont County man is behind bars after being accused of soliciting sex acts from animals. Christopher Harding of Shadyside has been charged with gross and nasty sexual imposition after trying to get a cow to mate with cat.
The Belmont County sheriff's department is investigating a case in Barnesville after a woman saw a man fleeing her home with her pet goldfish. The woman is offering a reward for any info.
Weirton police need your help tracking down two men from a surveillance video at Holiday Lanes. The video was from a hidden camera in the bathroom showing the two drunken men stumbling around and peeing on the floor. Police submitted the video to America's Funniest Home Videos where it won first prize. The officers say they want to share the purse with the subjects in the video.
The Small Business Development Center of Ohio and the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce jointly held a seminar for local small business to help them better understand new tax laws and regulations. Organizers decided to 'spice things up' and fill the seminar with raunchy sexual innuendo to keep attendees from falling asleep or dying from boredom.
Desare Bryant, 20, of Wheeling admitted in court to breaking into his own house and stealing various belongings. Bryant has been sentenced to prison for 3 to 45 years.
The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is warning people to be cautious about people going door-to-door selling human meat without a health permit. The Health Department claims that human meat is very fatty and can cause gas when not treated properly.
Trinity Health System held their annual Heartland event on Thursday at the Fort Steuben Mall. Local residents were encouraged to donate their hearts to people who needed heart transplant surgery.
Officials in Wellsburg say that there will be a planned water outage on Friday. Residents are being told to use the bathroom in the Ohio River as well as bathe there while they work on the water lines.
Urichsville police have apprehended 3 people who have reportedly stolen thousands of dollars from Tuscarawas County stores. The 3 are being accused of going store to store taking from the 'Take a Penny, Leave a Penny' dishes.
Moundsville police are looking for a man who broke into Paree Insurance on Lafayette Avenue. The man broke in and stole the complimentary coffee and Dum-Dums suckers.
A cement truck overturned on US Route 22 near Wintersville. The cement poured onto the roadway and filled several potholes.
Crews in Wheeling are working on a building after bricks started falling from it. An emergency demolition has been ordered for the building amid concerns for the safety of the workers in the cocaine ring inside.