"The new logo represents the new decade," said Miller. "Our sports teams haven't been doing well, our levy failed twice. It was time for a new look for the school."
Unfortunately, the new logo could mean less money for the school's already struggling budget.
"We plan to keep the logo," Miller stated. "If they take us to court...well it won't really be much of a case because our logo looks nothing like Anheuser-Busch's."
The logo on the right is that of Anheuser-Busch. William Stokes, a student at Buckeye Local, believes he sees enough similarities between the logos to understand the company's argument.
"Well you see, that logo is a letter," Stokes said. "The letter 'A' comes right before the letter 'B' and the letter 'B' is in our logo. We are also the Panthers, and they're the Eagles. They're both animals."
When Ohio Valley News contacted Anheuser-Busch, they said that the dispute was not over the logo for the company itself, but for the brand 'Bud Light', which is owned by Anheuser-Busch.
Ohio Valley News went to nearby school district Steubenville City Schools to see what students there thought of the situation.
"Psh, rednecks," said senior student Stephon Taylor.