Wheeling - 1950s

Wheeling - 2015

What a barbaric era the 50s were in Wheeling! As you can see, the city's population according to the 1950 census was 39 MILLION people! It was so crowded that people couldn't even raise their arms in the air to helplessly signal airplanes to come rescue them from wild packs of animals running amok! Now that the population has fizzled out, people can finally drive cars around town.
Steubenville - 1950

Steubenville - 2015
As you can see, over the years color was spread to the Ohio Valley. Things were bleak 60 years ago! One of the biggest differences, according to the museum's curators, is that there were 1950s-style vehicles in 1950s Steubenville. As time went by, these cars were replaced with newer model cars. Interesting!
Bellaire - 1950
Bellaire - 2015
As you can see, 60 years ago Bellaire looked a lot like Chicago. Scary, right!? One thing that sticks out about the modern picture is that Bellaire now does not look like Chicago anymore! Is that amazing or what?