Showing posts with label Florida Georgia Line. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida Georgia Line. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jambouree In the Hills Canceled

MORRISTOWN -- Officials in Belmont County announced earlier this morning that they have won their court appeal to have Jambouree in the Hills canceled.

The fifth incarnation of the popular British music festival was set to begin this Thursday in the Cotswolds of Gloucestershire, to coincide with Belmont county's Jamboree in the Hills.

The motion was met with fierce opposition in London, but many people in the Ohio Valley said that an event with a similar name running at the same time has caused problems for Jamboree in the Hills.

"Last year, I missed Jambo because I got on a plane to the United Kingdom," Chad Pozzlekonski of Bellaire said. "There were rebel flags everywhere. I could have sworn I was at the right show."

People attending the two shows were not the only ones affected, some of the musicians playing would often travel to the wrong venue as well. Last year, Sheffield metalcore band Bring Me the Horizon showed up at Jamboree in the Hills.

"I honestly couldn't tell the difference," said Roy Werzshlezcieski from Tippecanoe. "Hell, I thought it was Florida Georgia Line."

Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino told Ohio Valley News that he is ready to move on after arguing his case in court for nearly two years.

"It really bothers me sometimes," Rapino said. "People need to stop making assumptions based solely on the headlines they read on news articles without reading the article itself, or realizing that the story was written by a satire publication such as Ohio Valley News, The Onion or Fox News."