STEUBENVILLE - A party in the Franciscan University of Steubenville's Padua Hall (right) got a little crazier than the hosting students originally anticipated, with many people gatecrashing the party and bringing more beer. By the end of the night, a girl who had attended the party fell unconscious in the bathroom.
"I walked in to take a pee after most of the party had gone but there was a girl lying on the toilet," said party host Connor Patrick. "I didn't want to pee on her so I moved her off the toilet and into a sitting position against the wall."
When he was done in the restroom, Patrick told his roommates about the girl inside.
"He was really concerned," said roommate Doug Kirkpatrick. "So we went in there to check on her and it didn't look too good."
"She was lying in her own vomit," said Lance Fitzpatrick, another roommate. "She looked pretty pale too."
The three roommates picked the girl up and carried her to their couch where they covered her with blankets and left her a cup of water and a dish to puke in. The fourth roommate returned home a few minutes later.
"I thought her roommate might be worried that she wouldn't be coming home," David Kilpatrick told us. "So I looked her up on Facebook and found her roommate. Then I looked into her phone for the number and called her to tell her what was going on."
The girl, 19 year old Annie Gilpatrick, lives across campus and the male students figured it would not be safe to make her attempt to walk home unconscious. A video of Kirkpatrick bragging about helping the girl to his roommates soon surfaced on Youtube.
"Dudes, she's totally going to be okay," says Kirkpatrick in the video. "She's going to be more okay than Will Smith at the end of Pursuit of Happyness. She's going to be more okay than Middle Earth after the ring was destroyed. She's going to be more okay than Red and Andy Dufresne at the end of The Shawshank Redemption."

The actions of the "Good Samaritan Crew" are being criticized by students' peers on twitter (right). We called local party etiquette expert Michael Nodianos to hear his input on how the students should have proceeded.
"If she's unconscious she's fair game man," said Nodianos. "She's on your floor, that means she's just asking for it. I just don't understand these Frannies bro."
A friend of Nodianos', Cody Saltsman, said that the girl didn't deserve that kind of treatment.
"I have no respect for whores," said Saltsman. "She got drunk, that means she is a whore. Whores aren't worthy of my attention."
We stopped by a few local gas stations to see what area residents had to say about the issue.
"You media types are doing nothing good for this," said Weirton resident Beth Meyers. "All you're doing is covering up the story and not giving it the attention it deserves." She said this
while we were covering the story.
"Any girl who gets drunk at a party is just asking for trouble," said Marcus Redford, a local asshole. "She should have had something stolen at least. If she had been raped, she would have been asking for it."
Others felt that Kirkpatrick was being overly smug about helping someone.
"So you carried her to a couch and put some blankets on her. Big deal," said Steubenville native Traci Lords. "What do you want, some kind of award?"
The city of Steubenville later announced that the "Good Samaritan Crew" will receive 'some kind of award' for their kindness.